Why Tax Rebate Notes? by Hartford Van Dyke


If righteousness is not made profitable, then corruption will prevail. – HV

Some people ask why the U.S. Government put me into their prison system for seven years and four months. I put about 6 billion dollars worth of debt collection Notes on the street, collectable against the U.S. Government. I did that over a period of 5 years with the United States Secret Service and FBI knowing full well that I was doing it, and with me providing copies of my material to them. There was no hot pursuit in that situation. My Arraignment Judge shook her head when she learned that. So, obviously, I was not put in prison because I did those things.

In my court case, CR02-390 (JO)(USDC, Portland, Oregon), I was issued a MOTION IN LIMINE, before the court trial began, declaring that I would not be allowed to defend myself, to have witnesses in my behalf, present evidence in my behalf, etc…, and that is exactly how the Judge conducted the trial. When the prosecutor ended his presentation before the court, the Judge stopped the trial, gave instructions to the jury, and sent the jury out to return a verdict. The jury was never allowed to hear testimony about the Notes, or handle or study the Notes, so they did not know what the Notes consisted of, and could not ask questions about them. In the closing statements given by one of the two prosecutors, he revealed that the trial was to provide the case law jury verdict desired by the board of directors of the Federal Reserve Corporation, that the commercial liens were invalid. The witnesses who testified for the prosecution gave shallow testimony loaded with social opinion and devoid of commercial principles or law.

The Notes were never discussed in depth and never proven to be defective or void, so they survived the trial.

I was imprisoned to prevent me from publishing the book How To Create Currencies For

Local Communities, because of a few things that I said in the book like those on page 59:

“If the invoiced government agents, acting without a lawful dishonor of the currency for cause, i.e., without a lawful rebuttal of the claim stated on the currency made against the government, refuse to pay the tax rebate out of the government tax coffers, then the currency will be a Re-Lien Currency, meaning that it can run on the street as an unsatisfied tab against the government until the public can install some honest politicians into the government who will enforce the rebate and prosecute the offending agents.” [ The term “unsatisfied tab” = “government bond”.]

Consider the following tax-financed Scenario:

> An Officer of a Government violates the Constitutionally-protected rights of a Citizen, and, therefore, violates the Constitutionally-protected rights of the Public at large.

> The Citizen files a Criminal Complaint on behalf of the Public (ex rel, proxy) mandated by the Government at 18 USC 4, against the Offending Officer pursuant to 18 USC 242, valued at $1000 (1976) per violation, by presenting that Criminal Complaint to the U.S. Attorney, who, in turn, exercises selective prosecution, chooses to ignore the Complaint, and treats the Complaint with contempt, thus refusing to provide a public Remedy.

> So, the Citizen files a [5th Amend. Just Compensation] Commercial Lien against the Offending Officer on behalf of the Public, based on the commercial value of the offense, to collect Restitution for the Public.

> The Officer has a grace period of three (3) months to challenge the Commercial Lien, but treats it with contempt and lets it go into Default causing it to become an Account Receivable. This provides no Public remedy unless the Citizen can collect the debt.

> So, the Citizen tries to collect the Account Receivable against the Offending Officer and the Officer’s employer, the Government, but neither will acknowledge the debt. They treat the Citizen’s claim with contempt, at $10,000 (1976) per violation, 18 USC 241.

> Because the debtor parties are Absconding Debtors, the debt most certainly accrues interest at the standard commercial rate of one percent per month on the unpaid balance.

> This combination of events allows the public Commercial Lien to be converted into a valid (non-fictitious) Citizen-created Restitution Bond issued against the Government Treasury at one percent interest per month compounded monthly which is 12.68247 per cent per year (APR) compounded yearly. So, each $1.00 of Restitution Debt owed by the Government due to its public contempt and disservice becomes a debt of about $3.30 in 10 years, and about $6.00 in 15 years. The subdivision of this Public Bond into smaller denomination interest bearing Public Restitution Bond Notes, also called Public Wealth (tax) Rebate Notes, creates a lawful monthly interest-upgraded Re-Lien Street Currency.

The first Notes of this bank were disbursed to create a flow of public tax money from the U.S. Department of the Treasury back to the American People to assure the punishment of U.S. District Court Judge John C. Coughenour for crimes committed by him, and his five accessory accomplice U.S. Attorneys, against the Public while operating in his official capacity, including, but not limited to, his attempt to generally violate the State’s Rights of the Government of the State of Washington, and to specifically violate the rights of the Citizens of the State of Washington to keep and bear arms, as an unorganized militia.
